Do you currently have a Fidelity bank account linked to Klover? Are you experiencing issues with your advance? Unfortunately, as of 10/1/2023, this particular financial institution has blocked Plaid data access for their customers. Please read the following update from Plaid's website:
Ongoing Data Access Disruption
Since Oct 1, 2023 • Last updated on Oct 1, 2023
Fidelity has communicated that they are blocking Plaid data access, effective October 1. We are prioritizing this issue and are working to make this a temporary disruption. During this disruption, Fidelity will show as an unsupported institution in the Link experience, and consumers will not be able to enter their credentials.
We want to assure you that we are monitoring the situation and working closely with Plaid to remain in the loop with any changes to Fidelity's connection. At this time, you will not be able to successfully link your Fidelity account to Klover, nor receive an advance.
We encourage you to link an alternative bank account from a different financial institution to Klover, or contact Fidelity directly to inquire about the estimated time of disruption this will cause. Please reach out to our support team if you need help linking a new bank account or have any other questions regarding your Klover account.