Wells Fargo, Chase, Bank of America, Capital One, and USAA operate their APIs a little differently than other banks. These banks participate in something called Plaid Oauth, which is short for Open Authorization.
Here at Klover, we use a third party provider, Plaid, to hold our bank connections. Plaid Oauth allows customers to enter their credentials directly into their banking website/mobile app through Plaid.
If you are having issues with your Klover account, and you have not attempted relinking your bank account with this process yet, please do so before reaching out to our support team to see if it resolves the issues.
To relink your bank account on our app:
1. Please open your Klover account
2. Click Settings (the small person-figure)
3. Select Reconnect Bank
4. Select Remove Bank
5. Follow the prompts, then go back to Settings to reconnect your bank.
Then, you will log in to your bank account through Plaid, and click “select all”. It is imperative that you grant Klover full access to your bank account and personal information in order for your advance request to be processed successfully. We need to be able to verify your account, and that is the only way we will be able to do so. Below, you will find pictures that show what this process looks like for a Wells Fargo account. You will be walked through the steps you see in the pictures listed below:
Once you complete this process, you should be all set to move forward with your account. Please reach out to our support team if you need any assistance with this process or have any questions.
**If you are a Chase user, and you are still having difficulty requesting an advance after completing these steps, please try again in an hour or two. If you still have issues, please reach out to us by selecting the "Help" button in the bottom right hand corner of this screen to submit a request.